ICPC Adoptions
Families First offers adoption services for out of state Child Welfare adoption via the ICPC process (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children). This is a fee for service program where fees will be incurred by the adoptive parent(s) and via a Purchase of Service agreement with participating states. The purpose of this program is to recruit, assess, and match prospective adoptive families with children and youth in foster care that have experienced complex trauma. Children and youth with a trauma history who are eligible for adoption can present with various special needs that impact their behavioral, emotional and academic functioning, many having a mental health diagnosis. Prospective adoptive families have to be IMPACT trained and have a SAFE Home Study Assessment. To learn more about attending orientation, please reach out to adoptions@familiesfirst.org.
Georgia Center for Resources and Support
Georgia Adoption Reunion Registry
Please call (800) 615-7976 for more information or click above to visit our website.
Who We Serve Through Adoption

At Families First we serve couples looking to add to their family through adoption. These couples can be adopting their first child, their fifth child, or they can be foster-to-adopt families looking to finalize an adoption.

At Families First we are proud to serve the LGBTQ community with their adoption efforts. At the end of the day, children want love, stability and support. That kind of love comes in all sizes, shapes and sexual orientations.

At Families First we are proud to help single individuals become parents. People often think you must be married in order to adopt, but with us that’s not the case! If you’re single and looking to explore adoption, you’ve come to the right place!
Where We Work
At Families First we serve couples and individuals searching to adopt a child within the state of Georgia. This program does not place children for adoption, but works in collaboration with local agencies to aid families in finding their child.
Families first provides domestic adoption services to individuals, couples, and families seeking to adopt a child within the United States. Services include parenting training and preparation, home studies, placement approval, and post placement reports and supervision. This program does not place children for adoption but works in collaboration with the client’s domestic placement resource.
Families First works with agencies across the world to help couples and individuals bring their child home. Some of the countries we currently work with are China, Columbia and Thailand.
Adoption Services
This abbreviated list will give you an idea of some of the services we offer. If you have questions or need more information, you can always contact us at 404-853-2844 and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Domestic Infant & International Infant
- Home Study
- Post Adoption Supervision and Reports
Infant Placement Service
Families First’s Infant Placement Service ensures that infants are placed in safe, stable, and supportive forever homes by working directly with the birth parents and matching them with the right prospective parents.
The service provides prospective adoptive parents the opportunity to display their profile on our Make a Plan website so that birth parents have the chance to select the family that is right for them. Please see our Infant Placement Services below. Matching and counseling services are of no cost to birth parents.
- Online profile visibility
- Online profile renewal (continue to present profile online to birth families for an additional year)
- Home study
- Home study update (home studies expire after one year)
- Match facilitation
Please email us at MakeAPlan@FamiliesFirst.org or call 404-853-2878 to learn about all that our Infant Placement Service provides.
Special Needs
Please note that “Special Needs” does not simply mean children with developmental or behavioral disabilities. “Special Needs” can also mean a sibling group or older child that is currently in foster care.
- Orientation & IMPACT Training
- Home Assessment
- Matching & Placement services
- Post Placement Supervision
Adoption FAQ's
- Adopting a child from the U.S. foster care system
- Adopting an infant in the United States
- Adopting a child from another country
- Adopting a relative’s child
There is no one-size-fits-all cost for adoptions. The total cost of adoption depends on several factors and varies for each family. Some factors include: the type of adoption, the agency you work with, the state in which you live, attorney fees, annual income and any necessary travel expenses.
Range of adoption costs
- Foster care adoptions: $0 – $2,500
- Licensed private agency adoptions: $5,000 – $40,000+
- Independent adoptions: $8,000 – $40,000+
- Intercountry adoptions: $7,000 – $30,000
On average, the adoption process takes 1-2 years. But it depends on a number of variables, including whether pre-adoption classes are required, how long it takes to complete your homestudy, and how long it takes to find the right child for your family.
The adoption process begins with an inquiry. At Families First we receive several calls, emails which lead to conversations that take place between an interested family and our staff. Upon that inquiry, interested parties may be asked to participate in an adoption orientation or IMPACT Training class. There is also necessary paperwork that will need to be completed before the homestudy can begin.
A homestudy is an in-depth assessment which involves in-person interviews, observations, reference checks, background checks and home visits. Homestudies are not standardized; they follow state regulations and may vary from state to state. The average homestudy, including verification submissions can take anywhere from three to six months to complete.
Yes! Many people think you have to be married in order to adopt and that isn’t the case. You can be single. You can be married. You can be in a committed relationship. As long as you meet the requirements to apply for adoption, Families First is happy to help you along your adoption journey.
Yes! At Families First we strive to provide all members of our community with the option to become parents if they want to. We are proud to offer our services and support to members of the LGBTQ community interested in adoption.